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Xmas 2020 - Gifts with Smiles & Smile Bag for Grandparents

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and not only the famous song says it, but everyone knows it. Children or adults, we all feel that this period brings out the best in us. Beyond the confusion of buying gifts for the last hundred meters and cooking from morning to evening, Christmas is about family, about spending time with loved ones, about giving and receiving. However, not everyone has the opportunity to live that magical Christmas in stories. There are many poor children and the elderly who have never felt the difference between Christmas and any other normal time of year.

But we, the Aura Ion Foundation, are here to offer those less fortunate a piece of the joy of the winter holidays, with the hope that our effort will be felt by good children whose parents can not afford to give Christmas presents or by the poor old woman who has no one to take care of them. With this in mind, we have carried out two charitable campaigns this year, designed to bring the light of the holidays to the hearts of disadvantaged children and the elderly. The fact that, this year, Christmas will unfold in an atypical way did not stop us from wanting to do well. Thus, the Aura Ion Foundation organise this year the charity campaigns "Gift with smiles" and "Bag with smiles for grandparents" around the winter holidays. The charity campaigns organised during this period aim to raise food and non-food donations in order to be given to children and the elderly.

The “Gift with Smiles” campaign has reached its seventh edition and aims to help 500 disadvantaged children, at risk, who come from the counties: Teleorman, Prahova, Giurgiu and Ilfov. Donations can be both gifts and money that can be donated to one of the accounts available to the association. Gifts will contain products specific to children in grades 0-8: toys, sweets, supplies, clothing (socks, scarf, hat), personal care products (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.).

The campaign "Bag with smiles for grandparents" has reached its fourth edition and aims to help by donating 50 lonely and vulnerable elderly people in rural areas. Donations are made by preparing a bag of food (flour, pasta, oil, sugar), as well as hygiene products, cleaning or books. Those who do not have time to personally prepare the bag, can donate a sum of money or can order the products online directly from us.

In this charitable endeavor, the ongoing campaigns were supported by partners who will help by donating and preparing gifts and bags for the beneficiaries. The clothes bank will prepare 77 gifts, Finastra will prepare 102 gifts, and the remaining 400 gifts come from individual donors.

Thank you for being with us this year as well and for contributing to the joy of so many needy children and the elderly! With your help, we manage to complete all these wonderful charitable projects! We know that there are so many helpless souls who need help, but with every smile on the faces of those in need, we feel that we are doing something extraordinary. If you would like to take part in this charity mission, donate to any of the accounts listed below :

Via Bank Transfer: 

Bank: Barclays

Name: Aura Ion Foundation

Account No: 33740250

Sort Code: 20-13-34


Via Facebook:

For additional details on how to donate gifts, food, or even money, check our facebook page –

Let's create some smiles together around the holidays!

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