From the closure of schools for more than three months to taking exams in unusual conditions combined with cancellation of most college entrance exams, the Romanian education system has had to take drastic measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to protect the population. But, no matter how necessary they were, these measures did not go unnoticed and aroused many dissatisfactions from the population. But now, at the beginning of a new school year, even more desperate measures are being taken in the field of education, but they are neccessary for the classes to take place physically, trying to return to normal.

But, unfortunately nothing will return to normal. In addition to the fact that not all students will be able to take part physically in the classes in the new school year, which means that some pupils will need IT equipment and internet connection to enable them to school online, there are a number of other measures that do not fall within the definition of the normal in terms of the education system. Students will be required to wear masks at all times, and benches will be provided with transparent plexiglass panels to protect children. These measures are difficult for all educational institutions to implement, but the ones facing the greatest difficulties are rural schools, where funding has always been limited. Rural children deserve to participate physically in the classes of the new school year regardless of the current conditions, but the chances are not on their side as there are no funds available to purchase transparent protective panels.
The education of children and, especially, their well-being is very important for the “Aura Ion” Foundation. That is why, given the current context facing the Romanian education system, we need special tools and equipment for conducting classes. Thus, the Campaign gives transparent plexiglass protection panels for the acute need of certain schools in rural areas, the strict need adapted to the pandemic so that classes can take place in peace. In this vein, we discuss the need for an institution in Teleorman, which needs to be able to conduct in the most natural way the classes, plexiglass panels, to ensure the distance and protection of students, as provided by the order given by the ministry.
The ‘Stejaru’ school in Teleorman needs 20 x 1.5 mm Plexiglas panels, 600 mm wide and 500 mm high in order to be placed in one of the classrooms. Some children living in rural areas do not have the necessary equipment (laptop, computer, router to connect to the Internet) nor the financial possibilities to afford to learn from home online. Because of this, some of them have to study at school, through physical presence in class. Thus, schools must comply with the new rules imposed by the ministry, established and detailed in Order 5487/1494/2020 which states that for a good conduct of classes within educational institutions, in safe conditions, for the prevention of diseases with Sars-Cov-2 virus, the furniture must be placed in such a way as to ensure a distance between children of at least 1 meter or the installation of transparent Plexiglas dividers, if spacing is not possible. In addition to these measures, children are required to wear protective masks, maintain a physical distance, wash their hands and disinfect themselves constantly, keeping the same place in the bench throughout class. The rooms will be constantly disinfected, cleaned and ventilated. For the purchase of transparent panels, which allow in this way the arrival in a large number of students, it is necessary the amount of £250, funds that builds a future and a possibility towards a normal learning system.
In order to give the children from ‘Stejaru’ School from Teleorman the opportunity to return to school in maximum safety, we need your help! Donate any amount, small or large, through the accounts below, and we will purchase Plexiglas protective panels so that the students of Stejaru school do not suffer because of these desperate measures required by the desperate times we are going through.
Via Bank Transfer:
Bank: Barclays
Name: Aura Ion Foundation
Account No: 33740250
Sort Code: 20-13-34
Via Facebook:
Thanks to you all, we managed to fulfill the dreams of many students from rural areas, providing IT equipment and contributing to the modernisation of their school. But our work to bring smiles to less fortunate children never stops. You play an important role in this mission! Continue to donate IT equipment, supplies or funds and help the Aura Ion Foundation in its efforts to give children in rural areas a chance at education!